Easter Baskets for the Hungry, our signature stewardship event, is just around the corner. This year, we’re teaming up with Milwaukee’s Hunger Task Force to deliver Ham, frozen Pizza and other meals and seasonal snacks to 500 needy families in our community.
We’re so grateful to Palermo’s valued partners and friends for their financial and in-kind support of our commitment to feeding the hungry.
If you’d like to join the cause, here are two easy ways to help:
- To donate via credit card, visit https://www.hungertaskforce.org/give/palermos-pizza/. Credit card donations must be made by April 8, 2022.
- Make out a check to the Forever Fallucca Foundation and mail it to:
Palermo Villa, Inc.
Attn: Forever Fallucca Foundation
3301 W. Canal St.
Milwaukee, WI 53208
We will gratefully accept contributions to the foundation at any time. The Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization, so all donations are tax deductible.
Thank you for joining us to make a difference for those in need this Easter.