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Thank You Times Two

As we wrap up our 10th anniversary year of Easter Baskets for the Hungry, we'd like to share with you a letter from the recipient of one of the Easter Baskets...
"I want you to know I deeply appreciate the local volunteers, organizations and the individuals from the Milwaukee community for the box of food. It helped me feed my family, grandchildren, great grandchildren and friends for the holiday."

And a note from all of us:
We at Palermo's also want to thank all of the donors, partners and volunteers for helping make #EasterBasketsX a huge success. We filled 1,500 bins with 84,000 pounds of nutritious food for local families in need. Thank you for stepping up and paying it forward. Our community is a better place because of your efforts. Can't wait to see what we can do together next year!

Although this year's event is over, our donation website will remain open through the end of April. Visit, where you can "shop" with your donation. Just $1 will get you started!